
Rosalie McLaughlin, Resident of Toms River:

In March I interviewed my mother about the site, because she had mentioned it by name when I told her about Superfund and the class project we were involved in.  Also she currently lives about a mile from the site and has lived there the past 30 years.  She talked about the impact the news had in the community and about constantly reading about it in the local papers, and her concerns for the safety of my brother and myself because we were both in grade school around the time "cancer clusters" were making news.  Our family switched to bottled water once these clusters made news and rumblings began that they were linked to the drinking water supply

Jon Gorin, EPA employee and the Remediation Site Coordinator for Reich Farm:

I was able to reach Mr. Gorin by email and he explained to me the history of the Reich Farm site and the history of his involvement there.  I asked him about the hurdles associated with the Superfund process and he gave some examples as they related to the Reich Farm property.

Natalie Loney, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator for Reich Farm:

Ms. Loney is extremely busy apparently, as she is the CIC for several Superfund sites, but she was able to get back to me and explain a bit about her role in the Superfund process and what she recalled specifically about the Reich Farm case.  I appreciated her taking the time to get back to me and give my any information she could recall, because she works on numerous sites and has been doing so for a while it seems.

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